As I seem to remember, In April 2010 I bought one of the first iPads. I saw the virtue of using it immediately. It was WiFi. At around the same time and were made available to the public although a little bit later on as I recall. I would take hard copy publications or parts of them to work, scan them, get them into the Books app via email and use them at the meetings. The Congregation which we attended had many people attending which were poor. One of the Elders was a Bethelite. After I made it a habit (about a month or two) to attend the meetings with the iPad and use it (or at least look at it) rather than a publication, the Bethelite gave a Local Needs talk. He lambasted the use of "modern appliances" at the meeting rather than a book. He clearly stated that this was a "showy display" of one's wealth and background (I was one of the only ones there that was University educated),and it was "unloving" to conspicuously use these devices in the KH in front of the brothers or to even own them. I was the only person that owned one, and the entire talk was directed at me. My wife was fit to be tied. I felt sorry for the man really.
About 2-3 weeks later the Bethelite was sitting up in the front of the KH with an iPad! They gave him one at Bethel. He used it for various purposes. One of them was to time talks and then turn around the iPad and hold it so the person on the platform could see it and know they are out of time. He made a comment at a meeting shortly thereafter that we need to "keep up with technology so we can further the preaching work". This is in direct conflict with what he had said from the platform 3-4 weeks before. I saw him after the meeting and asked him if it was now okay to use an iPad at the meetings and he told me it was. Like that was some kind of a green light.
Right then I decided that I need to get out of there and fast.